
Getting to Yes! | Negotiation
Although we are forced or may choose to fight from time-to-time, breakdowns in negotiation can be devastating for all stakeholders. Here are six principles to negotiate more favorable agreements and avoid costly arguments.
~ bc

Why Should We Invest in You? | NFX
A typical VC declines meetings with 80% of companies they are introduced to. Here are 12 things VC’s consider when deciding whether your business may be a worthwhile investment. Why should we invest in you?

Jewel Changi Airport - The Ripple Effects of Good Design | Madame Architect
In this interview, Charu Kokate, a Parner at Safdie Architects discusses vision and collaboration to design and build an iconic project at Singapore's Jewel Changi Airport.
"We aim to make the buildings special and unique. Once the building creates a positive impact, it becomes an icon. It’s like a stone falling in a pond. There are ripples. If it’s a good building, it will create positive ripples. These ripples will spread beyond the building site, to the neighborhoods, to the city, to the other countries in the world."

Just Say No! | Yale School of Management
Zoe Chance teaches “Mastering Influence and Persuasion,” the most popular course at the Yale School of Management. In this interview, Chance encourages leaders to practice saying "NO!" for twenty four hours. Although this is an unusual exercise, leaders who practice saying "No" tend to discover that saying no is both liberating and empowering. It also helps leaders become more comfortable when others say "NO" to them!
Brian Cooke

I coach leaders who aim high!
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