
Hi, I'm Brian Cooke.
BCedX is a digital Library and community we are building to share ideas and encourage leadership collaboration.
I hope these links will help you lead a great business and do something amazing that makes a big difference!
~ bc
Digital Diversity | BBC
Although many people around the world learn to count on their fingers, we don't all do it in the same way. How do you count to 10 on your fingers? Do you start with the thumb or the index finger? Left hand or right? Dactylonomy (counting on your hands) seems like such a simple and natural thing to do that you might assume it's nearly the same everywhere. Check this out and sharpen your awareness of digital and cultural diversity ... : )
Big Idea
21 Experts on the Future of Expertise | A16z
Think for Yourself. Join a Community of Experts.
Experts tend to be specialists in a very narrow subject area. A diverse community of experts encourages broader dialogue that provides deeper understanding. There is a fine line between questioning science and being anti-science. Question prevailing expertise, especially when new data does not support existing theories. Insist on unbiased, data-driven analysis. Test and learn as fast as the world is changing. Communicate your expertise in simple, clear language other people can understand!
Velocity = Speed + Direction | BCedX
Are you moving with suitable speed toward your most important goals?
Going in the right direction is not enough if you are not advancing at the right pace. Go too slow and you will be among the last to finish. Go too fast and you may crash or burn-out.
Do you need to step on the gas and pick-up your pace? Championship F1 drivers are always accelerating and braking. They never cruise or coast!
It Is Time to Re-Onboard Everyone | HBR
The COVID driven shift to hybrid work, increasing employee turnover, and continued uncertainty about the future are impacting your entire workforce. These upheavals can be especially unsettling for long-time employees who may now feel they’re starting from scratch. By seizing this moment to re-onboard everyone, managers will boost team cohesion, performance, and well-being needed to build a stronger, more resilient business.
Beware of Perfectionism | Fast Company
While many of us take pride in our “high standards” and “drive for excellence,” we tend to ignore the negative side effects perfectionism has on our health, happiness, and productivity. Organizations that expect perfection are often rewarded with extraordinary performance—for a while. Over time, however, these relentless expectations create resentment, exhaustion, and ultimately burnout. Some things matter more than others. Good sometimes is good enough. Play your best when it matters most!
A Video Tour of Amazon Fulfillment Center | Amazon News
Want to know what happens after you click "Buy" on Amazon? Take this short video tour of a fulfillment center to see how Amazon does it!
A/B Testing | BCedX
A/B Testing compares two versions of a product or service to test which version performs better. This diagram illustrates an A/B test that shows customers' preference for Option B ...