
Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Sky
Gazing this week at photos from the Webb Telescope, I was happy to recall my first lesson with Dr. Frances Wright, a pioneer female astronomer who taught celestial navigation to thousands of U.S. Naval officers, college students, and local sailors.
"Keep your feet firmly planted," she said, "and set your eyes on the sky." A gentle reminder to be safe on your feet first before measuring the height of distant stars. And, sensible leadership guidance to know where you stand before charting a course to your next destination!
Looking back on those days before satellites and GPS, I recall Dr. Wright's encouraging chuckle as I wrestled with arithmetic, manual sight reductions, and tidal vectors. Thank you, Dr. Wright. You were an inspiring mentor and a big reason I chose a career coaching leaders to aim high and explore new horizons!
~ bc 🔭

LA's New Sixth Street Bridge is a "Ribbon of Light" | Dezeen
Congrats to Michael Maltzan Architecture and Skanska-Stacy and Witbeck JV on completing the new Sixth Street Viaduct in Los Angeles. With its arches, LED lights, and safe access for pedestrians and bicycles, the new "Ribbon of Light" will rival the Hollywood sign as a city landmark and go-to place for Angelenos and visitors to gather and celebrate life and championships in Los Angeles! 🧢

Tip of the Hat to Boris Kiprovski! | Leaders I Coach
In his own words, Boris Kiprovski believes "no matter where you’re from, we all share some values: it’s usually better to do things right the first time; respect and finding common ground are powerful tools in building team unity; and taking care of your people is the foundation of success for any group."
Well-said and WTG Boris! 👷

Ask the "Magic Question" | Forbes
Although leaders, teams, managers, and employees tend to agree on shared goals, there is less agreement on behaviors, timeline, and actions needed to achieve them. By asking "What would it take ... to achieve that goal?" all stakeholders develop greater understanding and agreement on behavior and activities needed to achieve it.
And, to accelerate your career advancement, be sure to ask your boss: What would it take for me to qualify for a new, different, or bigger leadership role? What would it take for me to get to the next level? What would it take for me to increase my compensation and/or earn a bigger bonus? Ask the "Magic Question!" 🎱

Secure Your Dog Door | Gizmodo
None of us asked for pet facial recognition, app-enabled feeding stations, a Roomba for your goldfish, or a dog leash that tracks your every move, but that won't stop innovators! 🐶