
Velocity = Speed + Direction
Are you moving with suitable speed toward your most important goals? For many leaders I coach, performance this month assures success at year-end while positioning your team and career for the year ahead. Going in the right direction is not enough if you are not advancing at the right pace. Do you need to step on the gas? Championship F1 drivers are always accelerating and braking. They rarely cruise or coast! ~ bc 🏎️

What is the Future of High Rise Buildings? | Arch Daily
More than half the world’s population live in cities and urban areas, and 2.5 billion more are expected to join them in the next twenty years. As employers reconsider the purpose of metropolitan offices and city residents rethink expectations for urban living, architects, developers, and engineers are designing the next generation of high rise buildings!

Find Fast Moving Water | NFX
Starting or growing a new business? It’s your job to learn how to read the river, and then have the courage to steer your company into fast moving water. When great ideas and teams find fast moving water, watch out. Little stands in your way!

Six Times the Queen Made Us Laugh | BBC
A sense of humor and an inclination at-times to take things lightly are under-appreciated qualities of effective leaders. Although the Queen's responsibilities in public life were significant, serious, and longstanding, she is already remembered, loved, and missed for her wit and ability to make us laugh. Thank you, ma'am.

Ice Cream or Bagels? | People
Ice cream please! A new study from Tufts University suggests that ice cream is a healthier choice than a multigrain bagel and other foods like saltine crackers.