To Understand Amazon, We Must Understand Jeff Bezos | The New York Times
Like it or not, we are all impacted every day by Amazon and its legendary founder, Jeff Bezos. In ten years, Amazon has quintupled the size of its workforce and increased its valuation to more than a trillion dollars. Amazon Unbound #ad is a riveting account of Amazon's explosive growth with significant insight into the leadership brilliance and blind spots of its billionaire founder.
Big Idea

What do lucky people do differently? | BBC Ideas
Although talent and hard work help us achieve many things, luck and life chances make a big difference when we recognize opportunity, trust our intuition, and persevere amidst adversity.
Watch this BBC video to find out what you can do to be more lucky!

Qatar Stadium 974 for 2022 | Stadium Business News
Qatar’s innovative Stadium 974 is the seventh of eight Qatar World Cup 2022 venues to be completed. Stadium 974 is a 40,000 seat venue built with a modular design that uses 974 recycled shipping containers. The stadium will be dismantled after the 2022 World Cup and can be deployed in other locations as a temporary stadium! 974 is also the international dialing code for Qatar.

Design and Constructability | DPR
Design dictates constructability. This DPR blog highlights ways architects, engineers, and builders are collaborating on complex projects to close the means and methods "gap" between design and construction. Once we begin collaborating and problem-solving with an emphasis on innovation and teamwork in project delivery, it's amazing what we can build, together!

A Letter to Baseball Fans | Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball is playing hard ball by locking out the Players Association.
Here is MLB owners' opening declaration
What is your BATNA - Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement?

5 Keys to Update Your Resume | Korn Ferry
It's no secret people are switching or quitting jobs in record numbers. If you are considering or pursuing a new or different leadership role, it's important to update and organize your resume to distinguish you among the best candidates.
What stands out most on your resume in this hot jobs market?
Here are a five suggestions to sharpen and strengthen your resume.
Brian Cooke

Are You Lucky? | Brian Cooke
Talent, hard work, and motivation help us succeed. And luck makes a big difference when we recognize opportunity, trust our intuition, and persevere amidst adversity!